
It’s useful to sometimes redo high school basic stuff step by step. Also I wanted to try out the mathjax latex embedding.

This article also features zero production quality diagrams made in paint which I really like because it’s fast.


A circumcenter of a triangle (A, B, C) is a point P that is equally distant to 3 of its vertices.

Figure 2

Or it’s an intersection point between 3 perpendicular bisectors(rays that divide an edge in two equal halves and are perpendicular to that edge).

Figure 2


One way to find the circumcenter is to find the intersection between two bisectors, for example, for edges AB and AC. This works because the bisector of an edge is a set of equidistant points from its vertices, so intersection of two bisectors is a point that is equidistant to 3 vertices. We do that by solving the equation:

\[P = AB + AB_{\bot } * t_0 \\ P = AC + AC_{\bot } * t_1\]

Figure 2


Centers of edges:

\[AB_x = \dfrac{A_x + B_x}{2} \\ AB_y = \dfrac{A_y + B_y}{2} \\ AC_x = \dfrac{A_x + C_x}{2} \\ AC_y = \dfrac{A_y + C_y}{2} \\\]

Perpendicular bisectors of edges:

\[AB_{\bot x} = A_y - B_y \\ AB_{\bot y} = B_x - A_x \\ AC_{\bot x} = A_y - C_y \\ AC_{\bot y} = C_x - A_x \\\]

Which just says that two rays arrive at some point P. If we expand each dimension:

\[P_x = AB_x + AB_{\bot x} * t_0 \\ P_y = AB_y + AB_{\bot y} * t_0 \\ P_x = AC_x + AC_{\bot x} * t_1 \\ P_y = AC_y + AC_{\bot y} * t_1 \\\]

We have 4 variables and 4 equations. MATRIX TIME!!!11

\[\begin{bmatrix} P_x \\ P_y \\ P_x \\ P_y \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} AB_x + AB_{\bot x} * t_0 \\ AB_y + AB_{\bot y} * t_0 \\ AC_x + AC_{\bot x} * t_1 \\ AC_y + AC_{\bot y} * t_1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\]


\[\begin{bmatrix} -AB_x \\ -AB_y \\ -AC_x \\ -AC_y \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} AB_{\bot x} * t_0 - P_x \\ AB_{\bot y} * t_0 - P_y \\ AC_{\bot x} * t_1 - P_x \\ AC_{\bot y} * t_1 - P_y \\ \end{bmatrix}\]


\[\begin{bmatrix} -AB_x \\ -AB_y \\ -AC_x \\ -AC_y \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} AB_{\bot x} && 0 && -1 && 0 \\ AB_{\bot y} && 0 && 0 && -1 \\ 0 && AC_{\bot x} && -1 && 0 \\ 0 && AC_{\bot y} && 0 && -1 \\ \end{bmatrix} * \begin{bmatrix} t_0 \\ t_1 \\ P_x \\ P_y \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

Now we just need to multiply both sides of the equation by the inverse:

\[\begin{bmatrix} AB_{\bot x} && 0 && -1 && 0 \\ AB_{\bot y} && 0 && 0 && -1 \\ 0 && AC_{\bot x} && -1 && 0 \\ 0 && AC_{\bot y} && 0 && -1 \\ \end{bmatrix} ^{-1} * \begin{bmatrix} -AB_x \\ -AB_y \\ -AC_x \\ -AC_y \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} t_0 \\ t_1 \\ P_x \\ P_y \\ \end{bmatrix}\]

That’s why matrices rule. Now the inverse for such a blocky matrix could be found with wolfram expression:

inverse { {a, 0, -1, 0}, {b, 0, 0, -1}, {0, c, -1, 0}, {0, d, 0, -1} }

Figure 2 = Figure 2

Now we only need to multiply this matrix with a vector and we’re done! I’m too lazy to write all that stuff with latex and probably did some mistakes, so follow this link for complete solution(there are multiple actually):

p_0 = (((a_0 - c_0) * (a_0 + c_0) + (a_1 - c_1) * (a_1 + c_1)) / 2 * (b_1 - c_1) 
    -  ((b_0 - c_0) * (b_0 + c_0) + (b_1 - c_1) * (b_1 + c_1)) / 2 * (a_1 - c_1)) 
    / D

p_1 = (((b_0 - c_0) * (b_0 + c_0) + (b_1 - c_1) * (b_1 + c_1)) / 2 * (a_0 - c_0)
    -  ((a_0 - c_0) * (a_0 + c_0) + (a_1 - c_1) * (a_1 + c_1)) / 2 * (b_0 - c_0))
    / D

where D = (a_0 - c_0) * (b_1 - c_1) - (b_0 - c_0) * (a_1 - c_1)

And of course, there’s a much better solution using barycentrics and the Law of Sines.